Turning in Multiple Assets
  • 15 Aug 2023
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Turning in Multiple Assets

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Article summary

The Turn In screen is used to turn in assets that have been previously assigned to staff or students. The screen is optimized for use with barcode scanners which streamlines the turn in process.

For users who have more than 1 assigned device, you can use the Multi Asset Turn In option to turn both in at the same time. Currently you can turn in 2 assigned devices.

First, you will need to turn on the setting that allows multiple device turn in. When on the Turn In screen, go to the top right corner of the screen and click the Settings button.

From there, expand the Turn In Screen Settings section and turn on the option for Multi Asset Turn In. Click Save to save your changes.

Now you should see 2 Asset slots instead of 1. You are now ready to turn in the devices.

Also, notice how each asset has a Info Panel button beside it so that you will be able to view the device's information related to User Policies, Unpaid User Invoices, etc. that you would normally have automatically pop up when turning in a single asset.

Proceed to turning in the devices by following the steps below:

  1. Scan or enter the Asset ID or Serial # in the Asset ID/SN field for both devices being turned in.
  2. Scan or enter the Location ID in the Location ID field. You can also click the Search button beside the Location ID field which will drop down a Location Search field that you can click in and choose the Location you want or type to search for the location.
  3. Ensure the Submit Action field is defaulted to Held by and Assigned. (The default Action can be changed in the system settings.  Click here to view)
    • Held by and Assigned should be the selection here unless you want to only update the Held by field only. For example, if a student's device is taken up at the end of the school year and they will be assigned that same device the following school year. That device's Held by field can be updated to be held by school inventory over the summer then reassigned to the student in the Fall.
  4. Click the Submit button to finish turning in the assets. You can also click the Reset button to clear out the previously mentioned fields.

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