Quick Add Assets
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Quick Add Assets

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Article summary

The Quick Add screen is for quickly adding one asset at a time.

Fill in the required fields indicated by the * on the screen and also any fields that aren't required such as Room Number etc.

  • Type: Choose the asset type.
  • Model: Choose the asset model.
  • Site: Choose the asset site.
  • Status: Choose the asset status, which should default to Active.
  • Room Number: Add the room number for the asset if necessary.
  • Purchasing Information: This section is optional.  It allows the purchasing details to be added.  Once the section is expanded, it will remain expanded during the quick add process.
  • Device Information:  This section is optional.  It allows the device details to be added.  Once the section is expanded, it will remain expanded during the quick add process.
  • Removed S/N Prefix: Will remove the given string if a case sensitive match is found at the beginning of the submitted serial number. Example, if set to "S", "SX123" will become "X123".
  • Print Label: Choose if you want to print a label or not.
  • Focus Input: Sets which field, Serial Number or Asset ID, will initially receive input between adds.
  • Asset ID: 
    • Serial Number- Asset ID will match the S/N. 
    • Auto Generated- The software will auto generate an asset ID. 
    • Manual- You manually set the Asset ID.
  • Serial Number: Manually set the asset serial number.

When the Asset ID option is set to Manual, it will add a Asset ID box down below to put the Asset ID in.

Once you've added all of the asset information, click the ADD button to add the asset.

If you would like to see an example of how to quick add an asset, click Here

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