Inventory Audits
  • 29 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Inventory Audits

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Article summary

The Inventory Audits screen allows you to keep track of asset inventory and reconcile assets by Site and Location. To start, you will need to add an Audit if one hasn't already been created.

Click the Add New button in the top right, give your audit a Title, Start Date, End Date and choose the Sites involved. These are the only required fields. Add any additional info in the audit that you need to. On this screen, you can also click the Inventory Audits button in the top right to return to the previous screen.  You have the option to reconcile your audits as you scan or manually enter your assets.  If the flag is not checked, you will be able to reconcile at the end of the audit.  

Once you've input all the information for the audit, click the Save button to save it.

On the Inventory Audits screen, notice that it shows completed audits with a green check mark on the left side under the Completed column. You can set any completed or unwanted audits to inactive by editing the audit record and changing the status to inactive.   Also, if you need to delete an audit, just click the trash can icon under the Actions column or if you would like to Print Reconciliation Sheets (see example below) for the entire audit you can click on the printer icon under the Actions column also. If you need to edit the audit's info such as the start date, end date, etc. just click the Edit icon under the Actions column.

Sample Reconciliation sheet:

Once you've added your Audit, you can start the process of reconciling your assets.

Select the audit that you want to start reconciliation for by clicking the name of the audit under the Inventory Audit column.

This will bring you to a screen that will show the Sites involved in the audit. You can click the printer icon under the Actions column to Print Reconciliation Sheets per site. You can click the Audits button in the top right to return to the previous screen if you need to. If you click on the Total Assets, Reconciled, or Unreconciled columns it will show you those assets that fall under that filter but you can't reconcile them from those screens.

From here, choose a Site to reconcile assets for.

This will bring you to a screen that will show the Locations in the site you chose. You can click the printer icon under the Actions column to Print Reconciliation Sheets per Location. You can click the blue button in the top right to return to the previous screen if you need to.

From here, choose a Location to reconcile assets for.

This brings you to the screen that you can reconcile assets from. If you click the Settings cog wheel next to the Scan or Enter Asset box you can choose whether you're reconciling assets using both Assigned to and Held by, just Assigned to or just Held by options. The option you select will highlight the corresponding column in Orange to indicate the option you chose and the reconciliation will be compared to the option you chose. You can return to the previous screen by clicking the button in the top right that shows the Site you choose. Clicking the Export button will download a excel CSV file of the assets on this screen.

To reconcile assets, either Scan the barcodes or enter either the Asset ID or Serial Number in the designated box and it will remove that asset from this list since it's been reconciled.

When scanning or entering the Asset ID or Serial Number, there are 3 possible outcomes:

  • You will get a Green message indicating when an asset has been successfully reconciled
  • You will get a Yellow message indicating that the asset was reconciled but there is an issue that needs attention
  • You will get a Red message indicating that the asset doesn't exist in the software

Once you've reconciled all assets for this Site/Location, you have the opportunity to correct any issues that occurred during the reconciliation process.

Navigate back to the Locations screen and identify any issues that were found during the reconciliation process which can be found under the Reconciliation Issues column. You can click the field that shows the number of issues remaining.

This will bring you to the Reconciliation Issues screen for that location and you will see the issues listed. You will see the Error listed in the Errors column and from here you can click on the check box on the left that corresponds to the issue you are correcting and then click the blue Correct button at the top.

The Correct Assets box will pop up and it allows you to change the Site or Assigned to or Held by Locations. Once you select the correct Site or Assigned to/Held By Location, simply click the Submit button to fix this reconciliation issue.

To determine your progress in the reconciliation process, you can refer to the Locations screen where you will see either a Green or Red check mark or no check mark at all. The Green check mark will indicate that all assets have been reconciled for that location with no issues. The Red check mark will indicate that all assets have been reconciled but there are still issues outstanding that need to be addressed. If there's no check mark at all, then that means there are still assets outstanding that need to be reconciled. You will know the reconciliation process is complete when you see every Location and Site with a Green check mark.

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