Asset Standard Reports
  • 11 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Asset Standard Reports

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Article summary

To run Standard Reports, go to Reports>Standard Reports> then click to expand which section of reports you want.

Standard Reports for Assets

  • Assets by Type/Site: Displays assets by type/site.
  • Assets by Assigned To/Held By User: Displays assets by assigned to/held by user.
  • Assets by Assigned To/Held By Location: Displays assets by assigned to/held by location.
  • Assets by Funding Source: Displays assets by funding source.
  • Turned In: Displays the number of devices turned in per school, usually utilized at the administrative level. It provides the counts and percentages per school so that the district has an idea of where it stands with device turn in.
  • Assigned: Displays the number of devices assigned per school, usually utilized at the administrative level. It provides the counts and percentages per school so that the district has an idea of where it stands with device assignment.

Click the report that you want to print and select any values in the fields to narrow down what you would like to see on the report and click the Generate Report button. Then click the excel file at the bottom of the screen to open it.

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