Manage Asset Screen
  • 26 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Manage Asset Screen

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Article summary

The Manage Asset screen is where you can view all assets or add filters to see just the assets you want. Use the Search box to search for specific assets. You can also customize the columns that show on the screen so that only relevant data to you is visible. You can export asset files from this screen as well as add new assets manually if you would like.

Each button's purpose/functionality is described below:

  • Columns: When you click the Columns button, it shows a drop down and you can choose which columns you want to appear on the screen. You can choose as many or as few columns as you like.
  • My Views: Gives the user the ability to create custom saved filters that they may run at any time to help filter through data quickly.
  • Export: Clicking the Export button exports the data with any filters you have applied. The export will show only the columns you have on the screen when you export it.
  • Print All: Clicking the Print all button allows you to print out notices that can be given to students in regards to their assigned assets prior to turn in or other times throughout the year. It will only print what you have filtered on the screen. Also, there is a custom message box in the Asset Settings to change what is on the notices.
  • Email All: Clicking on the Email All button will prompt you to send emails to users with assigned assets. Only Admin users have access to this option. Also support will need to activate this feature for Admin users.
  • Add: Clicking the Add button allows you to add a new asset.

  1. Search bar: The search bar allows you to type in an asset's information, whether that be Asset ID, Serial #, Asset Type etc., and it will show any data that matches what you typed. It searches both Active and Inactive records. Enter must be pressed to start the search. You can only search information that shows up in the columns that are sortable which is indicated by the Up and Down arrows beside the column header.
  2. Column Header/Filters: Any column that has the Up and Down arrows next to the name of the column can be sorted by that column. Some of the columns can be searched by free text and some by clicking in the box and it will give you a drop down of options to choose from. The boxes that have the equal sign next to them allow you to filter out what you want by turning that filter into a "NOT" filter basically. The columns that show up in this section are affected by the columns that are selected when using the Columns button. Records on this page default to a Status of "Active".
  3. Page Number: Indicates the page number you are currently on within the data selected and the page you are on is highlighted in Blue. You can click the page numbers individually or click the Next or Previous buttons to navigate between pages. The first page number and last page number will always show up on the page list to allow the user to jump to the beginning or the end of the data.

On the end of the Column Header row there is a Clear Filters button that will clear any filters currently set on the page.

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