Add Student
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Add Student

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Article summary

A new student can be entered by clicking on Add button located on the Manage Students screen.  This screen is for adding student details, including personal, school and student contact information associated with the student.  It also is where the parent/guardian (person responsible) contact and system information is setup.  

A student record has 5 sub sections of data that can be expanded or collapsed with the 2 most important sections being the Personal Information and School Information sections. These 2 sections house most of the important information about the student including its identifiers and the student ID, site, grade level.  The other 3 sections, which are Student Contact Information, Person Responsible Contact Information and System Information, hold additional information that you can add but aren't required except for the Status field which is required but should default to Active. All of the fields on the student record can be imported through importing excel files as well as using the FTP Student Import feature.  Files uploaded under Related Files cannot be greater than 10mb.  

When a new student is entered, you will want to click the Save button either in the top right or the bottom left of the page to ensure the information is saved.

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